According to the 2013-2014 Ypsilanti Communities that Care (CTC) survey results, most middle school students do not drink alcohol, use marijuana, or abuse prescription drugs. This year the RAHS Wellness and Prevention team is spreading the message to middle schoolers that MOST teens don’t use. The MOST Campaign kicked off in February, 2015. Developmentally, teenagers are looking to fit in with their peers, therefore, this campaign uses a normative approach. Current and local data is being used to educate teens that most of their peers are not using substances. Knowing the facts can help decrease the pressure teens feel to use drugs or alcohol to fit in.
Did you know?
• 73% of Middle School Students surveyed in Ypsilanti have never used alcohol.
• 89% of Middle School Students surveyed in Ypsilanti have never used marijuana.
• 98% of Middle School Students surveyed in Ypsilanti have never abused prescription drugs.
Using the above statistics, posters have been disseminated throughout Ypsilanti Community Middle School and Lincoln Middle School and brochures available for parents. Along with the MOST posters, the Wellness and Prevention team will host information tables during lunch and classroom discussions that will provide more information about the MOST campaign and adolescent substance use. A student survey will be conducted at both schools near the end of the school year, measuring campaign impact. Help the MOST Campaign by sharing the message that “MOST teens don’t use!” The MOST campaign was adapted from the Livingston COMMUNITY PREVENTION Project.