Q&A with Dr. Alanna E. Nzoma, MD: Expanding Healthcare at RAHS

Ensuring an Enjoyable Summer Part II: Water Safety Tips for Youth and Adolescents
July 16, 2024
Alanna E. Nzoma, MD
Dr. Alanna E. Nzoma, MD

We are delighted to introduce Dr. Alanna E. Nzoma, MD, a general pediatrician who has recently joined our Regional Area for Healthy Schools (RAHS) team at Carman-Ainsworth High School in Flint, MI. Dr. Nzoma, board-certified in Pediatrics, brings a wealth of experience and a passion for adolescent healthcare to our community.

Q: What attracted you to school-based healthcare, and what are you most excited about in joining the RAHS team?

I am most attracted to working in school-based healthcare because I feel it is a valuable way to provide healthcare with minimal barriers. Children already attend school, and providing care in a school setting allows families not to worry about leaving work or pulling their child out of school for multiple hours to address health needs. The social support provided in RAHS is amazing, and I love being able to offer students and families wrap-around care.

Q: Can you discuss any previous experience you have working with adolescents or in a school setting, and how it has prepared you for this role?

I worked in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) on the South Side of Chicago for three years and regularly worked with adolescents. During this time, I also worked in a school-based setting. This experience prepared me for this role because I understand the value that working in schools can bring, and I find it very rewarding.

Q: What are some key goals you hope to achieve with RAHS?

I hope to engage with the community and help students and families achieve a balance between their busy lives and their health. I aim to reinforce the idea of lifelong preventative health habits in this young population.

Q: How do you plan to address the unique health challenges faced by adolescents within the school environment?

One of the most important things I can do as a pediatrician working with adolescents is to be a good listener. This allows me to assess their needs and support them in dealing with the treatments and resources they need.

Q: In what ways do you hope to engage with the community and build trust with the students and families you will be serving?

I plan to attend school assemblies and events so the community becomes familiar with me, and vice versa. I also plan to understand the gaps in care and the needs of the community in Flint that I serve.

Dr. Nzoma is excited to add RAHS to her clinical time and looks forward to empowering adolescents to take charge of their health. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two school-aged children, exercising, and traveling. We are delighted to have her on board and look forward to the positive impact she will bring to our community.