Happy and Healthy 2015!

Bullying and Prevention Awareness Month
October 16, 2014
Celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 16, 2015

The end of 2014 is upon us with the holidays and many a-gathering to attend! I often find myself reflecting on the past year around this time – often trying to remember what actually happened and being dismayed by how long ago summer feels! During this reflection time, I also begin to think about the new year ahead, and what I’d like to learn, or do differently.

Here are a few suggestions from us, at RAHS, on how to have a happy and healthy 2015!

  • Sleep – Never underestimate how powerful sleep is for rejuvenating your body, your mind, and keeping you healthy! Shoot for 7 hours, 8 if you can!
  • Breakfast – Breakfast is the best meal of the day, if you ask me! Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and gives you energy to power through the day.
  • Water – Consider it your new best friend! Vow to never let an hour go by where you don’t drink some water. Try making some tea, too!
  • Get Moving – Sometimes it’s hard to squeeze in time to get some exercise in – but the only person who is caring for you and your health is you. Try starting out with 20-30 minutes a day of walking, and consider doing monthly challenges, like squats, ab exercises, or planks, etc… every day for a month. YouTube is full of great videos!
  • Food – I know it gets old and annoying to hear, but what you eat really matters. It puts energy directly into your body. Consider looking at what you’re putting into your body, and look at some ways to care for your body better by increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat and by cutting out some of the less healthy options (for me, that’s ice cream!)!
  • Fun – Have some fun – whatever that may be! Laughing is good for your health and for those around you. So, play some board games, sports, or just gather around the table and share some jokes. Grab a friend and try something new – a new activity or hobby – in 2015!
  • Gratitude – We all have much to be thankful for – it’s good, in the midst of the darkness of winter, to cultivate the habit of thinking about at least 3 things you’re thankful for before bed! A minute of stillness and silence at the start of your day can do a lot for your mental health, too!
  • Budget – Budgeting is never a fun topic, but one that can save you and your family a considerable amount of stress. Making it a family conversation at the end of every month can help teach your kids about money management and even prevent some marital money-fights!

Whew! That’s a lot of stuff. It can be overwhelming to think about all the things we’d like to do differently to care for ourselves and our health, so start with just one! And add onto it once the first is a solid habit. Maybe get your family on board with the same challenge you’d like to take on so you can support each other.

Most importantly, if you mess up or miss a day, don’t let that stop you! All of us, yes all, mess up. Just pick up where you left off the next day. Keep on, keeping on, friends. We’re in this together!

We, at RAHS, sincerely hope you have a wonderful holiday season that kick-starts a new year that’s happy and healthy!